Smart Home & Kitchen

AI intelligent sound box for kids

Shenzhen, CN:GD

Kids can ask the smart speaker to play a song or playlist. Kids can ask it to turn down the lights in your room, turn up the heating, ask for the ...

by E-commerce / Brand / Product:

Bing Liu

Product Executive AiSmartSoundBox


Total projected influencer marketing budget of $5,500.0 USD collaboration goal

200.00% collaborated


day to go

About this Campaign

Technically, a speaker capable of anything beyond just emitting sound can be labeled as ‘smart’. So the fact wireless speakers feature Bluetooth, NFC, speakerphone abilities and can be controlled by apps already make them smart speakers. But for our purposes, and because the tech industry, in general, is going with this description, ‘smart speakers’ are wireless speakers…

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Bing Liu

Shenzhen, China

Influencer Collaborations Status
Finished Product


Total projected influencer marketing budget of $5,500.0 USD collaboration goal



day to go

200.00% collaborated
Influencer Marketing Candidates

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