Games & Apps

AI Breast Screening

Shanghai, CN:SH

Mammograms can save lives by finding breast cancer early before it spreads. Early detection can reduce the chance of dying from breast cancer ...

by E-commerce / Brand / Product:

Xian Du

Mammograms specialist AI Breast Screening


Total projected influencer marketing budget of $6,400.0 USD collaboration goal

50.00% collaborated


day to go

About this Campaign

A screening mammogram is an x-ray of the breasts and is used to detect breast cancer before it shows any signs or symptoms. Early detection can reduce the chance of dying from breast cancer by approximately one third, as small, early cancers are easier to treat. Screen-detected cancers are also more likely to be treated…

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Xian Du

Shanghai, China

Influencer Collaborations Status
Pre-Startup / R&D


Total projected influencer marketing budget of $6,400.0 USD collaboration goal



day to go

50.00% collaborated
Influencer Marketing Candidates


$3,200.0 USD

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